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Keeping Faith in an Age of Reason


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Refuting Alleged Bible Contradictions

  • SKU: S1468
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“You can’t trust the Bible it’s full of hundreds of contradictions.”

Really? Just because the critic mindlessly declares it so? Don’t be so fast to believe everything you hear! In this book, Dr. Jason Lisle examines 420 claims of Bible contradictions and sets the record straight.

Contradiction #139
Was Abraham justified by faith or by works? Romans 4:2 – says by faith V.S. James 2:21 – says by works

Bifurcation fallacy. Abraham was justified both by faith and by works (James 2:24, 26). To “justify” means either to be in right moral standing or to show that one is (morally) in right standing. Abraham was justified by faith before God since God knows all things including Abraham’s faith (James 2:23). God sees our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7), so we are justified before God by our faith alone, which God can see. But men cannot see another man’s faith. They only see the outward works that follow from inward faith. Therefore, Abraham was justified before men by the works that followed from his faith, since men cannot see faith but can see works. James explicitly teaches this (James 2:18 26).


Paperback ‏ : ‎ 256 pages

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