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Heaven’s Orchestra

Hearing sounds from outer space, scientists have discovered that stars can sing. When God created the earth and universe, he tells us, “The morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy.” (Job 38:7)
What does God teach us about music? In these pages, you will learn about music in Bible history, music in church history, music in the ancient past, and music in the heavens.
Does music have a moral character? What does creation have to do with music? You will find fascinating insights and a surprising journey as we look at music in the Bible. Learn how all creation praises the Lord!

Treasure and the Coming Temple of God

The Bible surpasses all the intriguing tales of the wonder of the world’s past. For in its pages are revealed the most beautiful, ancient and powerful treasure of all, the search for the golden Ark of the Covenant and its accompanying Temple treasures, as well as details on the rebuilding of the Temple of God.

This book explores the quest for the lost Ark in 25 locations in 10 countries, including the floor plans and location of the Tribulation Temple, the vast difference with the Millennial Temple, insight into the relevance of Israel and astounding features of the future Kingdom.


King of Books: The Bible in Archaeology and History

The Bible is the world’s most amazing book! Supernaturally given by God, it is the Word of God. It is a living book that can speak the words of God directly to the hearts of those who hear or read it.

Geddes MacGregor called the Authorized Version, “the most influential version of the most influential book in the world, in what is now the most influential language,” and “the most celebrated book in the English-speaking world.”

The Bible is believed by people all over the world and is, without error, written through about forty human authors as they were led of God to write – and yet the Bible in sixty-six books fit together in an astonishing way.

Our current generation doubts everything, especially the things of God, says author and renowned musician Dr. Lonnie Shipman.

Archaeology, Shipman says, has repeatedly illustrated that the Bible is accurate historically, biographically, culturally, legally, geographically, medically, and even scientifically.

Professor of Archaeology of Yale University, Mike Burrows, said, “On the whole, archaeological work has strengthened confidence in the reliability of the Scriptural record. More than one archeologist has found his respect for the Bible increased by the experience of excavation in Palestine. Archaeology has in many cases refuted the views of modern critics.”


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