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Miracles in American History—Volume 3 (DVD) Bill Federer


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Episodes 21–30

From the early days of America to the present, this nation faced overwhelming challenges, but men and women of courage stepped forward in faith to see obstacles miraculously overcome.

Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer

Ten dynamically produced, visually captivating episodes, approximately 5 minutes each.

From the early days of America to the present, this nation faced overwhelming challenges, but men and women of courage stepped forward in faith to see obstacles miraculously overcome.

Do you know of these Miracles in American History?

Volume 3—Episodes 21–30

  • 21—Battle of New Orleans—God protects Americans from bombs & rockets
  • 22—In God We Trust
  • 23—Andrew Jackson
  • 24—Cholera epidemic
  • 25—Freak accident changes course of Civil War after prayer
  • 26—Clara Barton begins American Red Cross
  • 27—World War I turns to victory for Allies
  • 28—World War I Sergeant York
  • 29—George Washington Carver’s Answered Prayer
  • 30—Prayer for Great Depression to End

Re-discover and be inspired by these fascinating, fast-paced accounts of faith and courage in the midst of seemingly insurmountable crises!

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