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Russian Bear Poised to Attack Israel (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films featuring Mac Dominick


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A study of the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Russian Bear Poised to Attack Israel (DVD) David Bay – Cutting Edge Films

The Prophet Ezekiel foretold of a time at the End of the Age when Russia would lead a confederation of armies in an attack on Israel. The imagery of such an attack is stupendous and has excited people all through the ages.

Imagine! A vast army led by the largest country on Earth converging upon the smallest nation on Earth, and joined by some very formidable foreign troops, and still Israel wins this one- battle war. Actually, God wins the battle and annihilates both the troops in the field and the countries which sent them.

Today, the countries listed by Ezekiel 38-39 as joining in this formidable war have already coming together in alliance and are led by virulently anti-Israel leaders. The countries, the leaders, and the weaponry are all in place, awaiting only the SUPERNATURAL call to battle, exactly as Daniel 10 instructs us. As these nations are awaiting the summons to march toward Israel, they are protected by Ezekiel 38-39 right now from any destruction or ‘regime change’.

Truly, the world stands at the precipice of the End of the Age. While there will be NO Israeli or American attack on Iran, these ‘Rumors of Wars’ serve a very useful purpose as the Illuminati seeks to manipulate events in the world to her advantage so she can ultimately stage her Masonic Christ (Antichrist).

  • Author: David Bay
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 1 hour

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