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The First Advent Bundle – The Nativity by James Collins & A Classic Christmas by Kenneth Hill


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In this delightful Christmas bundle, you will get two outstanding books on the First Advent: The Nativity by James Collins and A Classic Christmas by Kenneth Hill.

The First Advent Bundle – The Nativity by James Collins & A Classic Christmas by Kenneth Hill

In this delightful Christmas bundle, you will get two outstanding books on the First Advent:

The Nativity: How The Story of Christmas Can Change Your Life – James Collins

Learn Something Life Changing This Christmas! After years, sometimes even decades, of hearing the Christmas story so many times, we lose the meaning. The story of the birth of Jesus Christ as told in Luke 2 is the best-known story in the Bible. Ask anyone and they can tell you about Caesar’s tax. Everyone knows about Mary and Joseph’s trip to Bethlehem. Most people can tell you that Jesus was born in a stable. We’ve heard the story thousands of times, over and over, in Christmas pageants, plays, cards, TV programs, movies, and music. To many, the story of God becoming a man—of God taking on human flesh—has become so common that the greatest miracle in history has lost its impact. That’s why The Nativity was written, to help you take a fresh look at the Christmas story—to help you see beyond the familiar and find the true Spirit of Christmas. In The Nativity, author James Collins presents sort a living nativity scene with biographical sketches about those who were in Bethlehem for the First Advent.

Turn the pages to find the answers:

  • Who was the inn-keeper?
  • Why is Jesus called Emmanuel?
  • Did Mary and Joseph have children of their own?
  • Was Jesus born on December 25?
  • What was the Tower of the Flock?
  • Is Jesus coming back?

The answers to these questions and much, much more can be found in The Nativity!

A Classic Christmas – Kenneth Hill

A Classic Christmas is wonderful collection of devotionals, stories, anecdotes, and recipes. Anyone who reads this book will find it a delightful change to most holiday-themed books. A Classic Christmas is a collection that will become a family favorite for ideas and inspiration for the First Advent Celebration. The devotionals, stories, recipes, and ideas contained in this volume offer a new view as well as a traditional look at this special Season of the year when hearts are turned to the Baby of Bethlehem. Each member of the family will find something they can enjoy during this wonderful time of celebration. You will find that this book will help deepen your appreciation and wonder at the birth of the Christ-child.

A Classic Christmas contains:

  • No Room in the Inn by Martin J. Perry
  • Job Description for a Shepherd by Dr. Donald R. Rickards
  • Who Really Were the Magi? by Larry Spargimino
  • Christ Was Conceived on Christmas Day by Noah Hutchings
  • The Origins of the Christmas Celebration by David Ingraham
  • There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays by Gary Thomas
  • The First Advent by Kenneth Hill

And many, many more devotionals, stories, and recipes and ideas for the entire family!


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