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The Rapture and the Last Days Collection (Book & DVD) Douglas Stauffer


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This collection features two outstanding resources from Doug Stauffer.

The Rapture and the Last Days Collection (Book & DVD) Douglas Stauffer

This fantastic collection from Doug Stauffer features:

Reviving the Blessed Hope of Thessalonians (Book) Douglas Stauffer & Andrew Ray – The question for all ages: Does the Bible conclusively prove that God will Rapture the Church before, during or after Daniel s Seventieth Week, commonly referred to as the Tribulation period? As the controversy rages and debaters rant and rave, Dr. Stauffer and Dr. Ray methodically, systematically, and scripturally consider many of the end times details concerning the timing of the Rapture. This concise commentary on the prophetic events of First and Second Thessalonians provides definitive and undeniable proofs showing that the scripture holds the answer when freed from private interpretation. It is important to understand the timing of the Blessed Hope since it serves as a primary impetus for godly living. With so many contrary voices, the Church s spiritual survival hangs in the balance.

In the Last Days (DVD) Douglas Stauffer – Doug Stauffer passionately and persuasively proves and defends the pre-tribulation rapture. He is a gifted researcher and a popular conference speaker. This 4-DVD series features his most recent LIVE conference presentations along with his newest television interviews. He provides all you need to defend the pre-tribulation rapture with irrefutable scriptural proofs. He systematically answers the pre-trib. objections with his usual fiery, old-time preacher style of delivery. These studies are priceless and worthy of keeping for future reference since they cover some of the most cutting-edge arguments. Everyone agrees that Bible prophecy and defending the truth of the pre-tribulation rapture are one of Doug’s spiritual obsessions during these last days.


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