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What’s Next in Bible Prophecy (DVD Set) Dr. Robert Lindsted


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Dr. Robert Lindsted teaches the Rapture, the next event on God’s prophetic calendar.

What’s Next in Bible Prophecy (DVD Set) Dr. Robert Lindsted

Matthew 24:3: And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? As the world continues to wax worse and worse, one thing is very clear: Christ’s return is drawing near.

  • Episode 1 – What to expect next on God’s Calendar, going into the rapture why and when!
  • Episode 2 – What’s Next on God’s Calendar, “Coming Soon… on the Earth you Live on! Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon!
  • Episode 3 – The coming war of Armageddon in the Jezreel Valley!
  • Episode 4 – The Millennial Kingdom, often referred to as the Millennium. The amazing things that we will see, as well as the Sheep/Goat judgements.
  • Episode 5 – The Millennial Kingdom, focusing on the restoration of creation!
  • Episode 6 – The Great White Throne Judgement where all unbelievers will be judged for their rejection of Christ along with Satan, the fallen angels and many more.
  • Episode 7 – The New Heavens and the New Earth, the beauties of Heaven and power of God.

In this 2-disc series, Dr. Robert Lindsted takes us on a journey through the Bible as we study to find out more about the end times and What’s Next in Bible Prophecy.

  • Over 3 hours of Bible Teaching
  • Seven Segments on 2 DVDs
  • A Complete Study of The Rapture, and the end of this age!
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