State-Sponsored Child Abuse: Coming to a School Near You
Melissa Barnhart, writing for The Christian Post, relates some disturbing facts about California’s new sex ed law: “‘It’s shocking,’ Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said in an interview with The Christian Post when describing the condom relay races 10- and 11-year-old girls have been participating in at school where, in front of boys, they’re taught how to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.” Students as young as 11, she warned, “are also being taught to engage in risky sexual acts, such as experimenting with oral and anal sex with their ‘partner.’”
Believe me, I am not trying to be disgusting but we live in disgusting times and must not be the proverbial ostrich with its head in the ground.
Friedrichs, who has authored Standing Up To Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions For the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country, first learned about the condom relay races being used as part of sex ed in a California school when a concerned mother contacted her about it. “In that case, a school board in northern California had already allowed the curriculum before it became law. And when this mom fund out about it, she started pushing back.” Parents, are you pushing back. If you love your children, and children everywhere, you need to push back HARD.
“No one believes it until they see it,” Friedrichs said of the curriculum. “Now that we’ve been able to help parents to understand what’s actually in the curriculums and they’re viewing it for themselves, they see the urgent need to rescue the kids. Now there’s a groundswell of parents that’s growing fast and fighting back.” Sadly, union-funded government bureaucrats have unanimously decreed that the State of California knows better than any parent what is and is not right, appropriate, moral, healthy, and effective when it comes to rearing our children and teaching them about life.
Early in May of 2018 California’s Board of Education voted in favor of radical changes to its sex ed guidance for kindergarten through 12th grade known as Health Education Framework. It aligns with the California Healthy Youth Act, also known as Assembly Bill 329, the state’s comprehensive sex ed law that passed the state assembly in 2015 and became law on January 1, 2016. Parents across the state have been organizing protests for months to voice their opposition to lessons on gender fluidity and what they see as the sexualization of their children without parental consent.
California’s bull-headed approach to school kids is seen in the fact that parents can’t opt-out their kids from the gender identity lessons. Friedrichs says the gender identity lessons are supposed to help ward off bullying against trans kids. The education department is arguing that if kids know more about gender flux and gender fluidity there will be a much lower incidence of bullying against trans kids. That, however, is a stretch. Are we to believe that forcing so-called “gay rights” and “trans rights” on people who take issue with aggressive gay activism is going to, somehow, generate friendly relations between the two opposing camps? Who is doing the bullying? When the state of California bullies parents into subjecting their kids to radical brainwashing, expect flaring tempers!
The Craze to Sexualize Your Kids
Worldwide there seems to be an insane drive to sexualize little children. For centuries our parents and their parents did not need instruction from progressives on sexual intimacy nor did they need the help of a progressive Department of Education on raising kids. Prayerful instruction concerning “the birds and the bees” went a long way. But now this sexually-elitist government of California—the one that supports the insane idea that illegal immigrants and foreign criminals are welcome find sanctuary there—believes they are qualified to tell kids what life is all about. If parents don’t agree with what is being taught these elitists make it very plain to parents: “We don’t care what you think! We know what’s best for your kids!” The shameful arrogance of these people! California bureaucrats have now approved a radical sex ed curriculum replacing parents’ rights with state beliefs.
Gay activism drives school curricula beginning with preschool. In different parts of America, like Kansas and Texas, drag queens read to toddlers in public libraries. Parents who bring their kids to such activities think it’s “cute.” It should be obvious—they are trying to groom our kids to be happy perverts—and many parents are going along with it!
Homo Fascism—Now, Just the Tip of the Iceberg
A headline in a recent edition of the Daily Mail states: “Transgender woman who previously competed in the men’s division wins women’s national title in the 400-meter hurdles at NCAA championship.”
The winner, now known as CeCe Telfer, used to be Craig Telfer who competed in January of 2018 and finished second to last against men. Competing against fellow males, Telfer lost big time. Now, competing against females, Telfer came in first. He didn’t just win. He won against the other females by a broad margin. The woman who would have won first place now ends up second place, despite training hard and running her best. Dr. Michael L. Brown asks, “Is that fair?”
In a Townhall op-ed piece for June 3, 2019, Brown writes: “I want to focus on one word, and one word only. That word is fairness. Not gender. Not transgender. Not activism. Not rights. Not perception. Simply fairness. That’s the issue here, and that’s where we need to keep our focus. The question is this: Is it fair for a biological male to compete against biological females?”
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, well-known Johns Hopkins psychiatrist has said: “Trangendered men don’t become women. They become feminized men—impersonators.” He also outraged the trans crowd when he said that those who encourage the “mental illness of transgenderism are collaborating with madness.” McHugh believes that “the idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children, and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges.” “Such action comes close to child abuse,” said Dr. McHugh, given that close to 80% of those kids will “abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated” (
Homo Fascism Tramples Religious Liberty
Matt Sharp, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom, told Baptist Press, in a recent statement, that AB 2943, a bill introduced by Democrat assemblyman Evan Low, may threaten religious liberty. The bill labels so-called “conversion therapy,” also called “reparative therapy,” an illegal, harmful practice. Such therapy seeks to help an individual change their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Low, who serves as chair of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus said that he saw this legislation as defending LGBT individuals from dangerous practices because, according to homosexual theorists, people are born gay and sexual attraction cannot be changed any more than eye color can be changed. Attorney Sharp stated that if AB 2943 becomes law it “could be a violation if a pastor encourages a congregant to visit the church bookstore to purchase books that help people address sexual issues, perhaps including the Bible itself, which teaches about the importance of sexual purity within the confines of marriage between a man and a woman.”
California is seeking to strong-arm pastors, and gays who want to jettison their same-sex attractions. Such coercive tactics that attempt to close the door on an individual’s personal choice to leave the homosexual lifestyle are completely antithetical to a nation founded on religious tolerance. Seeking advice on a personal matter, such as a same-sex attraction, should remain a personal decision and should not be tampered with by those who are pushing the LGBT agenda. A pink swastika is just as onerous as one of another color.
Proof That Sexual Orientation Can Be Changed
The first Freedom March was held on May 5, 2018. Ex-LGBT men and women shared stories of change and transformation through Jesus Christ. Founded and first organized by Jeffrey McCall, the Freedom March features a diverse group of Christians who have left the active practice of homosexuality and transgenderism behind and are testifying to the power of the Holy Spirit who set them free from sexual sin and wounds of all kinds. “I was transformed through the grace of Jesus and found that others have been as well. These marches are a way to ensure that others who have overcome are not feeling isolated and alone,” McCall said. “There is an entire community of people that have made this transformation, and we are here to support them.”
Luis Javier Ruiz, a survivor of the gay Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando in 2016, spoke at the 2018 march and did so this year at the second Freedom March in Washington, D.C. on May 25, 2019. Elizabeth Johnston also spoke this year and added that recently proposed legislation in the state of California, AB 2943, was wrong. “What they don’t seem to realize, is that no law will ever silence the truth that gnaws at their consciences every day.” She emphasized that the Freedom March will be attended by all kinds of people around the globe who have lived lives and known the destruction of sexual sin and gender confusion.
It’s time for parents to rise up and speak out against state-sponsored child abuse. Is Jesus Lord of your life? Then don’t let sexual elitists steal your kids’ hearts for Satan. Jesus said, “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46). Did He ever say, “Turn your kids over to the devil”? If you say “Jesus is Lord” realize that means that you accommodate your life and behavior to do things HIS way.