The Armor of God

What is armor? The dictionary defines it this way: covering worn to protect the body against weapons. In this day of modern warfare, armor is still worn. Here is the difference between the armor of God and armor worn today. God’s armor is spiritual; modern armor is physical. Ephesians 6:11 states, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” What does wiles mean? Wiles simply put means what the devil may be throwing at us. Satan uses all kinds of strategy in order to deceive us.
Verse: 12 states, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We are in a spiritual battle. Satan throws things at us in order to trip us up. Our battle is against Satan and his forces. Often, we can’t see the fiery darts being cast at us. We are battling the spiritual world. We sometimes forget just how much power Satan has. We tend to laugh it off. Don’t take anything lightly.
We need to understand what Satan is trying to do. Satan is the darkness that God is warning us about. He rules the dark side. Have you noticed how wicked the world is becoming? Evil is all around us. Just read and listen to the news. Death and destruction are getting worse. Look at what politicians are promoting. Killing babies that have been born alive. There is no shame these days; moral standards have been discarded—anything goes. Legalizing marijuana is just part of the problem.
These are just a few of the wicked darts that Satan is throwing at us. That is why it is so important for us to be able to protect ourselves against the wiles of the devil. It is so important for Christians to be aware of Satan and his demonic tricks. Second Corinthians 10:3 states, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.” Paul is telling us even though we are still in the flesh, he reminds us that our war is spiritual. When we listen to the Holy Spirit, He will guide us in the direction that we need to go. This will enable us to pull down the stronghold of Satan.
First Peter 5:8, states that the devil is like a “roaring lion” seeking to devour. If we don’t put on our spiritual armor, we will be subject to the darts Satan throws at us. Ephesians 6:13, states, “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Notice it says “the whole armour of God,” not just pieces of it. God wants us to be fully protected.
The first part of God’s armor is to have our loins girt about with truth, meaning that the truth is God’s Word, and we need to use it against Satan. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Truth hurts him. The old saying that truth hurts is accurate. He can’t stand the truth.
The second part of God’s armor is the breastplate of righteousness. When we wear a breastplate, it protects our heart and lungs. Without these organs, we will die. The Bible stands for righteousness, because God is righteous.
The third part of God’s armor is to have our feet shod with preparation of the gospel of peace. When our feet are protected, it gives us the ability to move quickly in any direction that God wants us to move. Satan doesn’t like good news. He wants us to hear only bad news, which causes despair. Use the gospel against him.
Verse 16 states, “Above all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” This is the fourth part of God’s armor. A shield will deflect Satan’s tricks. We must have faith in God and His word.
Verse 17 states: “And take the helmet of salvation. …” A helmet will protect our minds from evil thoughts and will help us in our walk with God by keeping our thoughts pure. Put on your helmet. This is the fifth part of God’s armor.
Verse 17 continues, “… and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.” The Bible is our sword. Use it to quote scriptures. This is the sixth part of God’s armor. Jesus quoted scripture when he was tempted by Satan.
The seventh part of God’s armor is found in verse 18, which states, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Prayer is our direct line of communication to God. It is unseen, but it is powerful. That is why it is so important for us to pray.
These scriptures are God’s battle plan for us. So put on the whole armor of God. There is one part of the God’s armor that isn’t mentioned. God did not provide the back. Why? There are two reasons: the first is that God wants us to keep going forward, never retreating. The second is that God has our back.
If you are not a Christian, Satan will have his way with you. If you want God’s protection, there is a way. His name is Jesus. We were never promised that bad times would not come our way. But with Jesus, we have a better chance to withstand Satan and his tricks. Invite Jesus into your life and begin to live for Him. Don’t give Satan any more ground.
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