Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;
—Psalms 33:18
What a promise! The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him. Do we really realize what a privilege it is to have the eye of the Lord on us, to know we are in His vision, oversight, and plan?
How many times have we been in a place or predicament, and what we were facing should have taken, annihilated, or wiped us out? How many times have you been facing obstacles out of your control that seemed like they were going to devour or destroy you, but at the last moment, the very last second, things changed or turned in our favor? At that moment, a door opened, or a clear path presented itself to a brand-new future, a future beyond what you could imagine.
Yes, we could say it was time and chance, the luck of the draw, or a mere coincidence. We could look for loopholes or try to shake off the seriousness of our situations. However, the truth is: The eye, vision, and forethought of God was and is upon them that love Him. He desires to protect, provide, heal, uplift, and mend your broken vessel. He is the Waymaker. He is Jehovah Jireh. He is the Ultimate Physician.
He desires for you to do nothing but turn to Him, walk with Him according to Scripture, love Him, fear Him, and tell others about Him. It’s a pretty simple task for what we get in return—salvation and the eye of the Lord on us.
Our prayer for you this week: May you come to realize how good it is to have the eye of the Lord on you.
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