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The Feasts of the Lord (DVD Set) Mark Biltz


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The Jewish Feasts as taught by Pastor Mark Biltz.

The Feasts of the Lord (DVD) Mark Biltz

Through these 4 DVDs, you will experience the wonders of the Feasts of the Lord and how they foreshadow prophecies yet to be fulfilled. You will discover how each of the Spring Feasts was fulfilled, not only to the very day, but to the very hour of major events in the life of Yeshua (Jesus) at his first coming. Then the prophetic adventure begins on how the Lord will fulfill each of the Fall Feasts to the very day of His second coming! Yeshua is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just as the Spring Feasts were fulfilled in order to the very day, so the Fall Feasts will be fulfilled in order and to the very day. We don’t know what year these Feasts will be fulfilled, but with these DVDs, you will know the seasons and the signs to look for so that they don’t surprise you like “a thief in the night!”  Don’t miss the Divine Appointments that are scheduled for you! Feasts discussed in this set include the Spring Feasts – Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Pentacost – and the Fall Feasts – Feast of Yom Teruah, Feast of Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Sukkot.

Teaching by Pastor Mark Biltz.


Mark Biltz has a passion for studies of literature written from a Jewish mindset. He realized that the Jews loved the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that they had been studying the Tanakh for millennia searching for inspiration. Therefore, along with a handful of faithful believers, Biltz started El Shaddai Ministries seven years ago to educate Christians from all different denominations on how anti-Semitism and replacement theology have crippled our understanding of God and the covenants He has made with His people the Jews.

Pastor Biltz has been interviewed by FOX television, has appeared on the broadcast and cover of Prophecy in the News and has been interviewed by several radio stations across the United States and Canada. He is a well-known and popular commentator on the Feasts of the Lord and his series of DVDs on the Feasts has gone around the world. He has revealed a link between charts of solar and lunar eclipses from NASA s website with Israel s history, the Biblical feast days and signs in the heavens drawing clear similarities between them, lining up through history. He s spoken at congregations and meetings around the U.S. and is a frequent visitor to Israel.

  • Author: Mark Biltz
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 5 DVDs

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