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The Shepherd (DVD) James Collins


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James Collins teaches the deeper meaning behind Psalm 23.

The Shepherd

Reflections on Psalm 23 (DVD) James Collins

The Lord is my shepherd… These are the opening words of one of the most memorized, inspirational, and comforting passages in the Bible, and one of the greatest poems of all time. For over 3,000 years, countless generations have turned to Psalm 23 for strength during times of trouble. Its brief six verses offer words of compassion, hope, and encouragement that never wear out. Though this little psalm was written in a different time and place, the lessons it contains are as up-to-date as the 21st century. These ancient words with their imagery drawn from the life and heart of David, the shepherd-king, offer incomparable hope in a complex world.

In The Shepherd DVD, James Collins teaches the rich meaning behind the world’s best known and most loved poem. Packed with video clips and illustrations, this DVD is an excellent resource to help you unpacks these ancient Bible verses about the strength and courage found in God. Collins explains that with God as our Shepherd we can walk through the darkest valleys in life confidently, knowing that He is with us.

  • Author: James Collins
  • Binding / Format: DVD
  • Pages / Runtime: 100 minutes

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