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Where is Your Confidence

| Josh Shields

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.   Psalms 118:8


Trust: Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Trust and confidence – these two words seem to have lost their meaning. What is a marriage, employee, leader, boss, pastor, or friend without trust and confidence? I gave you the definition of trust. Confidence takes trust to a stronger level: a firm trust, a feeling of self-assurance.

How many times have we put trust and confidence in people, from those closest to us, to political positions, positions we consider holy and infallible – business partners, employees, spouses, and even our children – only to end up at the same destination of disappointment? I am not discounting humanity. I still believe we live in a world of unbelievable people.

However, humanity is just that, human. They are not infallible, untouchable, nor are they always stable. Nor are they all bad. They fight the same feelings, battles, and circumstances as you. Therefore, it is likely in all the jockeying in life we do that somewhere in our dodging, darting, and dancing trying to stay afloat, we will let someone down because life at its best is hard.

The Psalmist reminds us in whom we should place our trust and confidence – the Lord. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He reminds us that while humanity stumbles, staggers, and slips in life, God is the Giver of Life.

God is faithful, true, accurate, and exact. Knowing the end from the beginning, there is no circumstance that can turn Him, no situation that can stop Him, nor is there any reason He will forsake you. His arm is not short, nor His promise slack. If He said He would do it, He will. If He declared it will happen, it will, and if He said you will be victorious, you will.


Our prayer for you today: May you come to put your confidence and trust in God, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

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