Where Testimonies are Birthed.

Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
When your feet hit the floor this morning, were you giving God praise for another day of life, or were you complaining about the day’s obstacles ahead? Were your eyes, thoughts, and actions full of power, purpose, and passion, or was your coffee shop experience full of negative, adverse, damaging, and destructive discourse?
Have you ever considered that the power, velocity, and trajectory of the bullet do not happen just because something explosive was put behind it? Everything in the gun was designed to make sure the shot made its mark. Every detail—from the firing pin, hammer, trigger, and chamber to the rifling (spiral grooves), which is fancy talk for designed scars—is crucial in the ammunition striking its mark.
Without something triggering the hammer and the firing pin putting a dent in the primer, the powder would never ignite. The tightness of the chamber keeps the cartridge in proper position and form to not only be used again and again but propels the bullet through the scarring in the barrel, giving it the power to travel the distance and hit the mark.
Have you considered the possibility that the pressure, hammering, triggering, and scarring has not come your way to destroy you but to help propel you to your destiny? God, the Grand Designer Himself, respectfully took time in designing and developing you. No one else has your fingerprint, footprint, or vocal pattern.
You have been given the ability to rationalize, comprehend, and decide. The firing range of life is filled with opportunity awaiting you to hit your mark. So, this morning don’t despise the pressure, scarring, hammering, or triggering. Remember, it is designed to propel you into your destiny.
Our prayer for you this week: May you come to understand the value of the pressure around you. This is where testimonies are birthed.
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