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Who is in Control?

| Josh Shields

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

Psalm 37:1

As I write this, I can hear my father say, “Worry never paid a bill, worry is not of God.”  Why is it we allow things and people out of our control to consume so much of our lives?  Have you ever stopped to think or consider how much of our time and conversation is caught up in actions of things or topics we cannot change?

As soon as our feet hit the floor in the morning, we begin to war in our minds with situations, coworkers, friends, family, and even church members that we have no control over. Most of the time the things we fret most about never come to pass, but we allow our subconscious doors to be left open, and what we thought we locked up is loosed running through the corridors of our minds.

Evildoers have been around since families started. Cain slew his brother Abel, and his reputation proceeded him. When he showed up, people already knew who and what he was. Not only is this true in Cain’s situation but in all situations of iniquity.

The question remains, do you trust God? Do you really trust His word? Are you walking out what you believe? If so, tell Satan to get thee behind you and take on the day with courage. Don’t allow greedy, crooked, deceitful people in positions of power to wear away on you. Pray for them. Pray the blessings and mercies of God over them.

Trust who is in control. He that began a good work is able to complete it and will. In no way can we pull the past into the future, nor push our way into tomorrow. There is only one thing to do, and that is embrace the now of your life.

Our prayer for you this week: May you come to the understanding of who is in control, Jesus Christ our Lord. 

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